
BABL039-MaxPiccinniMax Piccinini on Thinking Bigger

To meet Max Piccinini is to be struck by how calm, cool, collected, and stylishly European he is. When I first met him, I imagined he was living a double life as a transformational coach by day and a super spy by night. More than that, his life is only limited by the enormous thoughts he thinks daily.

Max is a guy who dreams about freedom, then pursues it relentlessly for himself and for others. His fulfillment in life comes from helping those around him pursue contribution to society.

The richness of life, according to Max, is in giving of yourself. Early in life, Max heard over and over again that they (his family) “had no money”. And while in pursuit of money, Max learned that forgetting about himself and focusing on others made money come to him.

Max’s fortune was found early on in the network marketing business, and through mentors, trainings, coaching, and personal development workshops, he realized that helping others transform their lives was his true passion.

His philosophy around the 10:00 mark is remarkably accurate — he alludes to the fact that when someone has a “traditional” business (one with four walls and employees) they tend to look down on other businesses (like network marketing).

80% of our success is our psychology (12:00). How much time is invested in our psychology to become successful while in school? Zero. Yet it’s our psychology that will determine our success in the long run and we spend no time focusing on it. That’s the reason Max goes to 6-10 seminars a year to further his skills. It’s important to grow mentally, from the heart, and the guts! (16:00). [PS> I love the way Max speaks. He’s one of my favorite interviews!]

Max’s mother died from cancer when he was 26, and as a result he became focused on finding healthy alternatives to his eating and his lifestyle. If you have half of your energy, then you are handicapped for the rest of the day. As such, Max has all but cut sugar out of his diet, he wakes his body up first thing in the morning, has cut out red meat and processed foods and maximizes his mind on a daily basis.

Making nearly $50,000 a month in his network marketing business (and having so for years), Max transitioned his business to coaching and transformational training and was questioned by everyone ‘why would you DO that?’ His response is fantastic — I lost passion for it. He’s now turned his attention to what he’s passionate about: human development.

Books Max recommends:

7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

The Magic of Thinking Big by David Schwartz


Mentioned on the show:


Find out more about Max at his website: http://www.maxpiccinini.com/