

Mitch Matthews on One Hour Businesses and Dream Jobs

Mitch Matthews and I met on a networking “blind date”. We planned on spending 30 minutes or so together and ended our first meeting 3 hours later. The bromance had begun…

Mitch is a warrior at heart, a total creative, and a guy that has spent a decade or more studying Dream Jobs in an attempt to find his own. In the process, he did. Mitch now coaches, consults, writes and speaks, and has a popular podcast on iTunes called Dream.Think.Do.

On the podcast, you’ll hear Mitch talking about the early years when he and his wife lived the sitcom life (Single Income Two Children Oppressive Mortgage), and how he transitioned into testing business concepts in one hour a day blocks.

Around 8:00, Mitch talks about how he began to feel the pull to get out of working in pharmaceutical sales and into being self-employed. They made some serious changes to their lifestyle, simplifying by ditching the big spread in the country for the smaller home across from the elementary school, and the aftermath of that both positive and negative!

At the 13:00 mark, Mitch goes into depth about the “season” of your life and how planning for that season becomes incredibly important.

God works in Mitch’s life in a BIG way, and around 16:00 he talks about being a wandering curiosity and a missionary in the marketplace.

Mitch created a concept called The Big Dream Gathering, which has now been held in dozens of environments, from college auditoriums to city centers to churches and gyms. The event showcases the power of what happens when someone dreams and is supported by other dreamers in the same room. Hear about it around 19:00.

At 28:00 Mitch gives some solid advice on making the leap from full-time work to full-time business starting. His concept of having a “leap number” is dialed in and fantastic advice.

At 38:00 Mitch talks about killing businesses that you like, but maybe are keeping you from the business or life you love.

Books Mitch recommends:

The One Thing by Gary Keller

The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod

Poke The Box by Seth Godin

The Shack by Paul Young

You can find Mitch online at http://mitchmatthews.com or http://bigdreamgathering.com.

You can be trained by Mitch to become a life coach at: http://trainingtobealifecoach.com.